Almost 1000 important new laws are passed in CA each year.



Section 1708.5 of the Civil Code. 2021

My friend was concerned. "Stealthing will soon be illegal in California. It passed the legislature unanimously with only one major amendment—the word penis was changed to sexual organ."

  "I'm sorry", I said in response to my friend's concern, "but stealthing? What is it?"

 "Well to be blunt, it means if I take off my condom when I am screwing without partner permission, I am screwed."

 "And if you don’t get partner permission, what will happen?"

 "My partner can sue me."

 "And if you do ask permission?" I persisted.

  "Well," he paused, "she or he can say ok, or she or he can say no and in either case she or he can sue me because who the hell can prove to a court-of-law what either of us said when screwing. It's a he said she said, or he said he said, or she said she said, or they said situation. "

 He was concerned but I got excited. "I love, love, love this law. It can make me rich. Men are such wonderful scumbags, and none of them, I've learned, likes, as we say, to take a shower with a raincoat on. I just have to install a hidden camera and mic in my bedroom, right?  Then I can tape men surreptitiously removing their condoms, sue them, and then play the indisputably authentic tapes for every one-- for the judge , for the jury and for the public-- in court.









  1. There are too many laws. The US is no longer a nation of its founding. US Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall (1908-1993) once said, “You do what you think is right and let the law catch up.” Caution for those who follows Justice Thurgood Marshall’s philosophy. The statement “Show me the man, I’ll show you the crime” is often attributed to Lavrentiy Beria (1899-1953) head of the secret police apparatus for Joseph Stalin (1878-1953). Joseph Stalin was a historical leader of the Soviet Union. Beria’s quote highlights the idea that in a society where laws become increasingly complex and restrictive, authorities can use these laws to find a crime or violation to accuse someone of committing, even if the individual is not actually guilty of any wrongdoing.

    There are so many laws on the books the average person commits three felonies a day according to Harvey Silverglate.

    Returning to Section 1708.5 of the Civil Code 2021, for young boys engaging in this activity for the first time, if you have not read this Civil Code, it may be advisable to keep it on for at least 24 hours to potentially influence a judge in a court of law.


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